A revolutionary display technology for medical applications, 4K displays allow users to view the finest image details. This feature is especially useful in applications such as surgical and endoscopy where the smallest detail is critical and may not be visible with a Full HD resolution. With approximately 4,000 MDiXTM horizontal (4K) by 2,000 MDiXTM vertical (2K), 4K/UltraHD technology equals 4 times Full HD and offers high values for contrast and enhanced color. 4K technology can be seen as a synonym for the new high resolution display technology sometimes referred to as UltraHD (3840 × 2160) and/or 4K (4096 × 2160). Our 4K High Brightness monitors provide optimal color reproduction and a high contrast ratio – making these displays ideal for medical and industrial imaging applications. Even when exposed to strong ambient light, a consistent visibility is guaranteed.